Hats. Each one worn has the potential to change the next path we take, the way our lives might go. This weekend, as I showed my first short film, Stealing Zen, at the Durango Independent Film Festival, I donned my screenwriter and actress hats with other incredibly talented and lovely filmmakers, producers, performers, and creators. Without yet knowing how much of an impact spending this time in the company of such high quality and inspired people will have on my life, I feel changed again, a theme that continues to run through the current of my recent days and months.
Deciding Happiness - Interviews with Nicholas Pallesen
In fact, this month, hypnotist and opera singer Nicholas Pallesen surprised me with just how much he could say that I needed to hear. So much that I made two episodes to accommodate its duration. You should really check them out. I expect this series to continue for quite some time. Before you think I've figured it all out and want to bestow positivity on the world, I want to come clean.